What Do Baby Rubber Boas Eat?

Rubber boas are small constrictors common to the southwest United States. They rarely exceed 2.5 feet long and are easily kept as pets in home terrariums. Baby rubber boas may only be about 7 to 8 inches in length and therefore will eat small pinky mice in captivity and other tiny rodents in the wild.
  1. Pinkies

    • Pinky mice are newborn mice that have yet to open their eyes or develop fur. As such, their bodies are usually bright to pale pink. They are usually less than an inch long and can be purchased at virtually any pet shop offering live animals. Pinky mice are typically the exclusive food for baby rubber boas, because they will not eat crickets or mealworms like some other snakes. Wild baby rubber boas may consume small lizards or lizard eggs. Wild baby rubber boas will also feast on baby rodents such as tiny mice, shrews and voles.

    Proper Feeding

    • Baby rubber boas should be fed one pinky mouse per month. They do not have high nutritional requirements because of their slow metabolisms. Feeding should take place in a separate feeding cage, which can be no more than a bucket. Feeding any type of snake in its primary enclosure could lead to bites because the animal will learn to associate your hand with food. Place the pinky mouse in with the snake along with some pine shavings containing the pinky's scent. Allow the snake to feed. They will swallow their prey whole.

    Frozen Pinkies

    • Frozen pinkies can be purchased from select pet shops. These are a good alternative if you do not wish to feed your snake live food, plus they can be kept in a freezer for several months without spoiling, which means fewer trips to the pet store. Thaw frozen pinkies in warm water for an hour so that they are brought to room temperature; the baby rubber boa will not and should not eat cold food. Then place the thawed pinky in the rubber boa's feeding cage as you would a live pinky. Some rubber boas may be picky and not accept frozen food, so you will have to experiment.


    • Adult rubber boas will eat small feeder mice and "hoppers." Hoppers are mice that are able to hop around on their own and look like miniature versions of their parents -- far past the pinky stage. The rules for feeding adult rubber boas is the same as feeding babies. Adults will eat rodents, lizards and raid bird nests for eggs and chicks in the wild.