Care of a Python Enclosure

Caring for a python pet snake requires you to pay special attention to its enclosure. A rule of thumb is to provide your snake an enclosure with a perimeter that is twice as long as the length of the reptile. A 30-gallon tank is usually big enough for most adult pythons. Starting out with a smaller tank for young snakes will require you to replace the tank as it grows.

Things You'll Need

  • Heat source
  • Water bowl
  • Hiding boxes
  • Climbing branches
  • Box for feeding
  • Substrate
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      Heat the enclosure either with a heat light above or a heat pad below. Python enclosures need a cool side and a hot side. On the hot side, which is heated with the light or pad, install a hide box so the snake has a place to feel secure and space for basking in the warmth.

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      Shred newspaper and place them in the bottom of the enclosure. Newspaper is safe for pythons, which may accidentally ingest other types of substrate and become ill. If you choose a substrate other than shredded newspaper, consider feeding your snake outside of its enclosure to decrease the chance that it will ingest its bedding. Aspen and coconut hull are good substrates for pythons as well.

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      Place a water dish in the tank that is large enough for the snake to totally submerge in. Do not fill the dish completely, as the snake will displace some of the water and cause it to over flow if too full. If bedding gets wet, it may mold, which is dangerous for your pet. Place the water dish on the opposite side of the enclosure from the heat source, forming the cool side of the habitat.

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      Fill the enclosure with two hiding spots and branches for climbing. Pythons like to have a secure place to hide, and a climbing branch or two will keep them occupied. Pythons should also have something in their enclosure such as a brick or a rough-sided hiding box to rub against during shedding.

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      Keep the python enclosure at 50 to 60 percent humidity most times, and at 65 percent during shedding. You may need to spray the enclosure with water during shedding to maintain proper humidity. Allow the tank to dry out between instances of spraying, to keep the substrate from molding or bacteria from growing in the enclosure.

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      Replace soiled substrate and change your python's water daily. Completely change the substrate and disinfect the enclosure with 5 percent bleach solution or a commercial reptile habitat cleaner. Rinse the enclosure well after disinfection, and wash your hands before handling your snake.