How to Tell a Male Snake

Determining whether a snake is male or female is difficult since all snakes look similar externally. However, with the guidance of an experienced reptile breeder or vet, your snake's gender can be determined through examining the snake's anatomy, visual clues and through a process known as probing .


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      Examine the snake's anatomy. Have an experienced reptile breeder or vet examine the snake's anatomy. Male snakes will have sex organs called 'hemipenes' that are held inverted inside the tail of the snake.

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      Look for visual clues of gender. Examine the shape and length of the snake's tail. The internal sex organs give off a few visible clues of gender. Male snakes have a thicker and longer tail than females. In addition, the tail of a male snake tapers less evenly and more suddenly than a female's tail.

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      Find an experienced reptile breeder or vet to perform the probing method. In this method, the professional will insert a probe (thin metal rod) into the vent of the snake in order to search for hemipenes. Due to the presence of internal spaces in which the hemipenes sit, the probe can be inserted further inside a male snake than it can be inside a female snake. On a male snake, the probe will be able to slide down into one of the hemipenis and the depth measurement will amount to more than the width of the tail base. Since inserting the probe incorrectly can badly injure the animal, this method should only be done by experienced reptile breeders or vets.