How do you keep snakes out of a duck pen?

There are a number of ways to keep snakes out of a duck pen:

- Exclusion: This is the most effective way to keep snakes out of a duck pen. Make sure that the pen is completely enclosed with a snake-proof material, such as hardware cloth or chicken wire. The openings of the hardware cloth or chicken wire holes should be no larger than 1/4 inch.

- Trapping: If you already have snakes in your duck pen, you can try to trap them. There are a number of different types of snake traps available, so choose one that is appropriate for the size of snakes you are trying to catch.

- Repellents: There are a number of different snake repellents available, but their effectiveness is often limited. Some common snake repellents include mothballs, ammonia, and cayenne pepper.

- Habitat Modification: Snakes are attracted to areas with plenty of hiding places, so try to keep the area around your duck pen as clean as possible. Remove any debris, such as rocks, logs, and leaves, that snakes could hide under.

-Natural predators: Snakes can be prey for a variety of other animals, such as cats, dogs, and hawks. Consider introducing these predators, or create a living habitat that will attract the predator of choice to your property.