What does platypus venom do?

Platypus venom is a complex mixture of proteins and other compounds that has evolved over millions of years. It is primarily used for defence, as the platypus has powerful hind legs that are equipped with sharp spurs that can deliver a powerful jab. When the platypus feels threatened, it will kick its rear legs, injecting the venom into its attacker.

The venom of the platypus is primarily composed of a set of cysteine-rich defensins, which are a type of anti-microbial peptide. These defensins are thought to be responsible for the pain, swelling, and inflammation that accompany a platypus sting. The venom also contains phospholipase A₂, which is an enzyme that can break down the cell walls of bacteria, further contributing to the inflammation and pain.

In addition to the physical pain and inflammation, platypus venom can also have a number of other effects on the body. For example, it can cause sweating, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. In some cases, platypus venom can even be fatal, although this is rare.

Overall, platypus venom is a potent defence mechanism that helps to protect the platypus from predators. It is a unique venom that is not found in any other mammal, and it serves as a reminder of the incredible diversity and complexity of the natural world.