Do banana spiders have an egg sack or can they just one baby?

Banana spiders, also known as golden orb weavers, do not have just one baby. They lay hundreds of eggs in a large, tough egg sac made of silk.

Here's some more information:

* Egg Sacs: The egg sacs are usually white or off-white and can be quite large, sometimes even as big as a tennis ball. They are often found attached to the underside of leaves or other protected locations.

* Number of Eggs: A female banana spider can lay hundreds of eggs in a single egg sac.

* Spiderlings: When the spiderlings hatch, they remain in the egg sac for a short period of time before dispersing. They are small and white when they first emerge, but they quickly develop their distinctive golden coloring and patterns.

So, while banana spiders are fascinating creatures, they are not solitary parents, and their egg sacs are a testament to their prolific reproductive capabilities.