Where do brown recluse spideres live?

Brown recluse spiders are found primarily in the south-central United States, with their range extending from the Midwest to the Southeast. Here's a more detailed breakdown:

* States with the highest concentration: Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Texas, Louisiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee.

* Other states where they are found: Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.

* Rare occurrences: They have been reported in other states like Florida, Maryland, and New Jersey, but are not considered established populations in these areas.

Within these regions, brown recluses prefer:

* Dry, undisturbed areas: They like to hide in dark, secluded places like basements, attics, closets, woodpiles, sheds, and under furniture.

* Structures with cracks and crevices: They can easily move into cracks in walls, foundations, or under loose floorboards.

It's important to note:

* They are NOT found in all parts of their range.

* They are NOT found in the Western US or any other part of the world besides North America.

* It's crucial to identify spiders correctly before assuming they are brown recluses, as many other spiders can be mistaken for them.

If you suspect you have brown recluse spiders in your home, it's best to consult a pest control professional for identification and removal.