Things You'll Need
- Osage orange fruit
- Peppermint essential oil
- Spearmint essential oil
- Water bottle
Put osage orange fruit (monkey balls) in your garage and basement to repel spiders. Make sure to replace them every so often so they don't rot in your home. You will know when to change them when their colors change from grass green to a darker green or brown.
If the monkey balls fail to work, fill a water bottle with water and add 10 to 20 drops of peppermint or spearmint essential oil. Make sure that the essential is 100% therapeutic grade essential oil, because it's of higher quality.
Spray the peppermint or spearmint infused water on baseboards around your home and in the corners of the ceiling where you commonly find spider webs. If you have pets, make sure the pets are out of the room when you spray the solution. It's best to let the solution dry before letting your pet back into the rooms. Peppermint and spearmint are potent essential oils, so it's important to prevent the solution from getting into the eyes.
Keep up your housekeeping and yard work. Sweep and dust at least once a week to rid your home of spiderwebs and other insects that might be attracting the spiders. Trim trees around your home so that they are not lying on your roof, because this can enable insects to find a way into your home.