How to Kill a Black Widow

Just saying the words “Black Widow” is enough to give a person the creeps. Quite possibly the most famous spider in the world, it got its notoriety for one reason: Its deadly venom. If you find a black widow in your home, there are a few safe ways to deal with it so that you are not bitten and require a trip to the hospital.

Things You'll Need

  • Spider pesticide
  • Dustpan
  • Broom
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      Purchase professional grade spider pesticide. This means avoiding the kind of sprays and powders sold in grocery and hardware stores. You will want to contact a professional service or find some on-line. This is the only poison strong enough to kill a black widow.

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      Spread the pesticide around the perimeter of your home. This spray or powder will instantly kill a black widow if it crosses the poison. Be sure to lay a complete line of this pesticide around your property with no gaps which a spider could cross.

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      Place the pesticide along places where a spider could enter your home. There are numerous ways that a spider can get into your house that doesn't involve being on the ground. Spread the pesticide around the windows and doors of your home as well as in the cool, dark places within the house that spiders are attracted to, such as under furniture and in dark corners.

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      Walk slowly away from a black widow if you spot one inside or outside your home. Quickly put on a hard soled shoe and return, making sure there are no other spiders in the area. While crushing a spider is not the most humane way to react, trapping one in a jar or box is simply not safe, because that increases your chances of getting bit. Find the spider and apply pressure to the shoe until you have crushed it.

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      Remove the carcass of the black widow without touching it. If the spider is not completely dead, it can still bite. A dustpan and broom are the best options for removal.