How to Identify Spiders in Illinois

There are several spiders that are dangerous in Illinois that you will need to stay away from. Illinois spiders have particular places they like to hide and as long as you know where they hide out, you can remain safe from any spider bites.


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      Beware of one of the most dangerous spiders in the country, the Brown Recluse Spider. It is brown in color and has a violin shaped body. They hide in basements, under furniture that isn't moved often, corners of dark closets and anywhere that is dark for a long length of time. If they are inside a house they will stay where there is little movement. They prefer wood or logs to hide in outside.

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      Look in forested areas. You will find several spiders that prefer to stay hidden in the woods where there are plenty of trees to make connecting webs. Spiny-Bellied Orbweavers are the most unique spiders with five spiny shapes on its abdomen. They are black with yellow edges and live about 7 feet high in trees on their web. The Forest Wolf Spider is brown and gray and lives on the same color leaves. They have light stripes down the middle of their body.

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      Search through high grass or grassy areas to find some unusual spiders. The Rabid Wolf Spider lives in high grass and large amount of leaves that are left to pile such as wooded areas. They particularly stay on long strands of grass. They are brown with light brown legs. They have light brown stripes and dots on abdomen. The Running Crab Spider can also be found in tall grass and plants. They are tan and gray with long legs.

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      Watch out for the Wolf Spider. This is one of the more aggressive spiders. They live in dark places in homes and wooded areas and their bite can hurt badly. They are greenish brown with soft stripes on their body.

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      Look for one of the more beautiful spiders. The Marbled Spider is yellow and green with black and brown markings. They live near the woods and spin elegant vertical webs between trees branches and shrubbery.