How to Breed a Pet Spider

Whether you've named him Rover, Spot or Fluffy, it's your pet and you love him! Unfortunately not everyone will agree. But what may bind your love for your spider is the desire to breed your pet just like other pet owners. Although breeding spiders in captivity is more difficult than breeding horses or dogs, it is possible and you may just find yourself the proud parent of little spiderlings.


    • 1

      Introduce the male into the female's habitat. When presenting the male, use a clear piece of plastic to separate the two and allow them to get to know each other a little, slowly removing the plastic. Watch for signs of aggression from either spider and use the plastic to separate the spiders if needed.

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      Watch the male for signs that he is preparing to approach the female to mate. Although signs will vary among species, many will strike the floor with their legs and shake their body up and down.

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      Observe the female for receptiveness and signs that mating has begun. If she is "interested" in this spider's advances, she will likely respond with the same mannerisms as her potential mate.

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      Monitor the mating process. The female will rear up exposing her underbelly and fangs. The male will use his tibial spurs to secure her fangs to ensure he is not in danger of being bitten. He will inseminate her by inserting his embolus into her genital opening. The male will release one of her fangs and use his front leg to rub the underbelly of the female in an attempt to placate her. After the female is calmed, he will release her other fang and make a speedy withdrawal.

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      Remove the male from the terrarium once he has retreated. Many female spiders have a tendency to kill their mate after breeding.

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      Attempt the mating process again a few days later. If the female refuses the male it's a good sign that the first breeding attempt was successful!

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      Watch the female for signs that she is developing eggs overt the next 5 to 10 weeks depending on the type of spider you have. She will spin a silken web that she'll use as a bed for her eggs. The number of eggs laid depends on your specific breed of spider. Once laid, she will wrap up her eggs in a spun silk ball for incubation period of 1 to 4 months. She will rarely leave her precious eggs.