How to Feed a Pet Spider

A spider can be a great pet for a person that loves exotic animals. Spiders are very low maintenance animals and the cost to take care of them is small as well. Pet tarantulas are a popular choice for spider owners. If you own a tarantula, you should know how to feed the spider.


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      Purchase or capture a variety of insects. Spiders eat bugs and will not likely survive on any other type of diet. Crickets, roaches and meal worms are all acceptable choices.

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      Feed the prey a hearty diet before you give it to the spider. You want to make sure your pet gets the best nutrition possible.

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      Give the spider food at least a few times a week. This is especially important for a young spider.

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      Provide a shallow dish of water as well. Replace the water as needed. The dish should be shallow in order to prevent the spider from drowning.

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      Make sure that the spider does not escape while you are feeding it. Replace the cover of its enclosure as soon as you put the insects inside.

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      Remove any entrails when you clean the spider's home.