Locate the spider and allow it to crawl onto a flat, easily accessible surface such as a table or floor.
Place a transparent container such as a glass or jar over the spider, ensuring that you don't touch the spider, which could cause injury.
Lift one side of the glass slightly from the surface, but not far enough to allow the spider to escape.
Slide a piece of paper or thin card under the glass, passing it underneath the spider so that the paper passes under the entire circumference of the glass.
Place one hand on the glass bottom and hold the paper on the bottom of the glass as you turn the glass right side up.
Shake the glass gently to make the spider fall to the bottom.
Hold the paper firmly on the top of the glass and carry the glass outside.
Turn the glass upside down with the paper still underneath and place it on the ground beside some leaves or plants.
Slide the piece of paper away slowly, ensuring that you do not trap the creature's legs. Lift the glass up, leaving the uninjured spider free to crawl away.
How to Trap a Spider
Spiders are a common phobia for many people, with even the sight of the eight-legged creature sending some into a blind panic. Seeing a spider is bad enough, so picking one up can be a near impossibility. However, trapping a spider is a very simple task and allows you to safely dispose of the usually harmless creature without having to touch it.