Does a Male Black Widow Look Different From a Female Black Widow?

Black widow spiders, known for the hourglass shape on the abdomen, have distinct differences between the male and female sex. A female black widow has a more common appearance, because after mating she eats her mate.
  1. Size

    • Female black widow spiders grow much larger than the male of the species. In comparison to the female black widow, the male grows to one-fourth of her size. This makes eating the male after mating much easier.


    • A female black widow has a solid black coloring. During early stages of development, a female will have a gray or pale brown coloration. Likewise, the adult male shares the same coloration as an immature female. He typically has a brown or gray color.


    • The most recognizable trait on a black widow is the color of the hourglass shape on the abdomen. While males may have a small hourglass, it has a yellow or orange color, whereas the female has a large, red hourglass on her abdomen.