How to Identify Spiders in Nebraska

Nebraska is located in the center of the United States. It can get very cold during the winter, and have cool summer nights. Spiders are not in abundance in the state, and for the most part, the ones found there are not aggressive. There are a few spiders that tend to be eager to bite when they feel threatened, and the bites will hurt. Some spider bites can be extremely damaging if they are not immediately treated. Listed below are Nebraska spiders that are most often seen.


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      Look for the largest spider in Nebraska. The wolf spider is one of the most often seen venomous spiders in the state, and can be found under rocks during the day, and in tall shrubbery or dense grass at night. They are hairy, and are intimidating in size. They sometimes get mistaken for small tarantulas. Wolf spiders have two rows of eyes that make them seem even more intimidating. They are dark and light brown. Wolf spiders can be aggressive if they feel threatened.

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      Stay away from the brown recluse and the hobo spider. The hobo spider is often mistaken for the brown recluse. The most distinctive marking of the brown recluse is its violin shape on its upper part of its body. The hobo spider doesn't have this marking, and in fact, has its own distinct appearance. The males have two antennae-type palps that look like boxing gloves, and are used to mate with the female. Both spiders are brown, and have a severe bite that can destroy the skin, if not treated immediately.

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      Look under rocks for the woodlouse hunter spider. This spider hides during the day, and hunts at night. It has red legs, and a pink or tan body. There are two claw-like legs in the front, near its 6 eyes. These claw type legs are used to hunt for its food. The woodlouse hunter spider eats pill bugs and sow bugs. You can find it around buildings and houses throughout the night. Sometimes, the woodlouse hunter spider will wander into a house, but it isn't aggressive.

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      Notice garden spiders in the garden areas in Nebraska. The garden spider lives on its web. It is the largest web spider in the state. Garden spiders have yellow markings on their black bodies, and you can find them between tall grass or weeds, as well.

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      Search in piles of firewood to find the parson spider. It is either black or brown, and is covered in fine hairs. These spiders travel mostly at night, and are not aggressive. Black widows can also be found in Nebraska, but avoid these spiders, as they have a damaging bite. They are all black. The female will have red markings on its back, and tend to be much more aggressive than the male black widow. These can be found in dark places, such as basements or attics.