Are polar bears going to extinct this year?

No, polar bears are not going extinct this year. While they are facing serious threats due to climate change and loss of sea ice, they are still classified as a vulnerable species, not extinct.

Here's why:

* Extinction is a long process: Extinction takes time, and it's unlikely any species will go extinct in a single year.

* Polar bears are resilient: Polar bears are incredibly adapted to their environment, and populations have shown some resilience despite challenges.

* Conservation efforts are ongoing: Scientists and organizations are actively working to protect polar bears through conservation efforts and research.

However, it's crucial to understand that polar bears are in a precarious situation. Climate change is a significant threat, and the loss of sea ice, their primary hunting ground, is causing major problems for their survival.

It's important to stay informed about the issues facing polar bears and support conservation efforts to help ensure their long-term survival.