Why do hedgehogs roll up?

Hedgehogs roll up into a ball for defense. It's their primary way of protecting themselves from predators.

Here's why:

* Spikes: When rolled up, the hedgehog's sharp spines point outwards, creating a formidable barrier. Predators find it difficult to get past the spiky shell.

* Vulnerability: The underside of a hedgehog is exposed and vulnerable. By rolling up, they protect their soft belly and vital organs.

* Discouragement: The sight of a spiky ball is often enough to deter predators, as they know it will be painful and difficult to attack.

* Instinct: This defensive behavior is deeply ingrained in their instinct, allowing them to react quickly and effectively when threatened.

While rolling up is their main defense mechanism, hedgehogs also use other strategies, like hissing and stamping their feet to scare off predators.