* Acorns: These are a staple for squirrels, and they can hoard them for later.
* Pecans: A popular choice, and squirrels will often bury them to find them later.
* Walnuts: Another favorite, and squirrels will often crack them open with their teeth.
* Almonds: Squirrels are known to enjoy these, and they are a good source of protein.
* Hazelnuts: A classic squirrel treat, often found in the wild.
While nuts are a primary food choice, squirrels also enjoy:
* Seeds: Sunflower seeds, birdseed, and pumpkin seeds are all popular.
* Fruits: Apples, berries, and pears are all favorites, though they prefer them ripe.
* Corn: Squirrels will eat corn on the cob and even steal it from bird feeders.
Important Note: While squirrels may enjoy these foods, it's not recommended to intentionally feed them. This can lead to dependence and even health problems.