Do panthers live longer in the wild or captive?

Panthers generally live longer in captivity than in the wild.

Here's why:

* Predation and Competition: In the wild, panthers face dangers from other predators, competition for food and territory, and disease. These threats significantly shorten their lifespan.

* Food Availability: Captive panthers have a consistent and plentiful food supply, reducing the risk of starvation.

* Medical Care: They receive regular veterinary care, which helps prevent and treat illnesses and injuries.

* Reduced Stress: A controlled environment with less exposure to predators and competition can reduce stress levels.

Average Lifespan:

* Wild: 8-10 years

* Captivity: 12-15 years, with some individuals reaching 20 years or more.

It's important to note that "panther" is a general term, and the specific species can influence their lifespan.