How do you keep squirrels from dropping acorns down chimney?

It's true, squirrels can be quite the nuisance when they decide to use your chimney as a playground or a snack stash! Here are some tips to deter them:

Prevention is key:

* Chimney Caps: The most effective solution is a sturdy, well-fitting chimney cap. This will prevent any animal from entering your chimney.

* Mesh Screens: If you prefer a less permanent solution, you can use wire mesh screens placed over the opening. Ensure the mesh is fine enough to prevent squirrels from squeezing through.

* Chimney Flashing: Make sure the flashing (the metal piece that connects the chimney to the roof) is properly sealed to prevent squirrels from finding a gap to enter.

Other deterrents:

* Bird Spikes: These can be placed around the top of the chimney, making it uncomfortable for squirrels to land.

* Peppermint Oil: Some people swear by the smell of peppermint oil to repel squirrels. Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them around the chimney opening. However, this is not a guaranteed solution.

* Motion-Activated Sprinklers: These can deter squirrels from approaching the chimney, but they may also discourage other animals or even your pets.

Important Considerations:

* Chimney Cleaning: Keep your chimney clean. Squirrels may be drawn to debris or nesting materials in the chimney.

* Professional Inspection: If you're unsure about the best way to protect your chimney or if you suspect squirrels are already inside, contact a professional chimney sweep.

Remember, squirrels are resourceful creatures. It might take a combination of methods to discourage them from using your chimney.