When should you start putting out food to help squirrels for winter?

You shouldn't start putting out food for squirrels specifically for winter. Here's why:

* Squirrels are natural foragers: They are incredibly good at finding their own food, including nuts, seeds, and other items they bury for winter. They instinctively store food to survive the colder months.

* Unnatural feeding can be harmful: It can disrupt their natural foraging behaviors and make them reliant on humans for food. This can lead to them becoming less adept at finding their own food and may even make them aggressive towards humans.

* Overfeeding can be detrimental: Too much food can lead to health problems like obesity and can attract unwanted pests like rats and raccoons.

What you can do:

* Provide natural food sources: You can plant trees and shrubs that produce nuts and seeds, providing a natural food source for squirrels and other wildlife.

* Offer food during specific times: If you do choose to supplement their food supply, it's best to do so during times of extreme weather or food scarcity, like during a long, harsh winter.

* Choose appropriate food: If you do feed squirrels, opt for unsalted nuts, seeds, and fruits. Avoid processed foods or anything with added sugars and salts.

Remember: Always consult with local wildlife experts or wildlife rehabilitation centers for specific advice regarding feeding squirrels in your area.