How to Breed Fox Squirrels

Fox squirrels are large tree squirrels. Fox squirrels have gray and black backs, with orange belly fur and a reddish brown tail and feet. They got their name from their coloring, which resembles the gray fox. Their preferred habitat is hardwood forests that contain nut trees. It is illegal to keep native squirrels as pets in many states, so check with your state's Department of Natural Resources or Department of Wildlife before adopting and breeding fox squirrels.


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      Obtain male and female fox squirrels. Fox squirrels are polygamous, so for more prolific breeding you can pair one male squirrel with two or three females. Make sure your parent squirrels are healthy and sound.

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      Keep your squirrels in the same habitat. Fox squirrels are not particularly aggressive toward each other, so it's safe to keep the squirrels in the same habitat year-round. Fox squirrels are very social creatures, so if you do decide to split them up by gender, you should purchase a second male.

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      Supply fresh water and food at all times. Keep your squirrels healthy and fit for breeding by feeding them a nutritional diet that includes vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, insects, mealworms and a calcium supplement designed for small animals.

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      Let nature take its course during the breeding season. Fox squirrels breed in January and in June.