What Will Squirrels Eat?

Squirrels are known to be vegetarians and eat a diet of mostly nuts, seeds, grains and fruit, but they will eat more than that when habitat or lifestyle warrants it. There are currently more than 300 varieties of squirrels in the world, 10 different varieties in North America. Depending on the type of squirrel and their habitat, you will notice squirrels eat a wide variety of foods.
  1. The Preferred Squirrel Diet

    • Most ground and tree squirrels will collect and eat a variety of nuts, seeds and grains that are available to them in their natural habitat. The preferred squirrel diet consists of several types of tree nuts, acorns, walnuts, almonds and pine nuts. Sunflower seeds are a favorite for many types of squirrels, as well as pumpkin seeds and squash seeds.

    Fruits and Vegetables

    • Squirrels are mostly vegetarian (with the exception of some varieties) and therefore will not hesitate to eat any fruits and vegetables they may find. Common fruits squirrels enjoy include apples, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes and apricots. If you have squirrels in your garden, don't be surprised if you notice crops being chewed on or fruit that has dried and fallen to the ground, disappearing. Squirrels also enjoy some vegetables such as dried corn and mushrooms.

    Tree Squirrels Diet

    • Tree squirrels and ground squirrels will eat more than nuts and seeds if they are not plentiful. When their favorite foods are not available, squirrels will collect twigs, bark, leaves, pine cones and roots which they will bury and return to following hibernation.

    Flying Squirrels Diet

    • Although most squirrels follow a strict vegetarian diet, flying squirrels have been known to break this habit and eat a larger variety of foods. Aside from the traditional squirrel diet, they are also known to eat small birds, insects and bird eggs that they have found in the tree tops. Other types of squirrels may also eat insects if other favorite food types are not available.

    Urban Squirrels

    • Squirrels which have grown adapted to the urban life, whether they are a pet or not, will eat a variety of human foods or table scraps. When having a picnic in your backyard, squirrels may eat your corn on the cob, lunch meat or other snacks. They have also been known to eat pizza and other junk foods.