How to Raise a Squirrel

Raising a squirrel shouldn't be taken lightly, as it takes a lot of time, patience and dedication. If you can find local wildlife rescuers in your area, it's usually best to let them care for it. They are trained in rehabilitation and can nurse the squirrel back to health and release it when ready. If you decide to try it on your own, there are a few things you need to know.

Things You'll Need

  • Appropriate cage
  • Food (nuts and greens)
  • Toys
  • Water bottle or dish
  • Animal bedding
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      Determine the age of your squirrel. Keep in mind that the younger the squirrel, the easier it is to tame. If you find a squirrel that is an adult that needs rehab, it's very difficult to train and doesn't make a good pet. Capturing it will also cause a great deal of stress to an adult squirrel.

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      Find an appropriate cage or outdoor hutch for your squirrel. When you find a sufficient cage make it look like a natural environment. Squirrels like to stand up and burrow, so make sure the cage allows these activities. Add some animal bedding, like wood shavings, to your squirrel's home. They also like to dig so you might consider putting some sand in the cage. One useful type of cage is a chinchilla cage. These cages are usually multileveled, allowing your squirrel to exercise.

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      Keep your squirrel entertained. Typically, when squirrels become bored, they'll find a way to entertain themselves, which usually means trouble for you. Keep toys such as pipe, wood and maybe a wheel for your squirrel to run in within easy access to your squirrel. If you wish, you can purchase a harness and leash for your squirrel and can take it outside for a walk. If you trust it in your house, you can also let it out in your room for a little exploration.

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      Feed your squirrel nuts, greens and also fruit. Make sure that the nuts are unsalted. You can buy commercial feed, or you can use your own. You can use a water bottle for your squirrel to drink from; however, don't be too surprised if they don't drink much water. If your squirrel won't drink from the water bottle, place a small water dish in its cage.