How to Lure in a Squirrel

Squirrels are cute entertaining animals to watch. They are quick and vibrant creatures that are fun to have around. Whether you are trying to lure these animals to your property to create a habitat for them or simply trying get one out of your house, here are some tricks to attract them.

Things You'll Need

  • Peanut butter
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Corn
  • Nuts
  • Water
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      Make the animal feel comfortable. Remove anything that might seem threatening to the small rodent. This would include other pets like dogs and cats, and possibly even loud machinery like lawn mowers. This will not attract the squirrels, but it will make sure they are not initially scared away.

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      Attract the squirrel with food. Squirrels are foragers and spend most of their time eating and looking for food. The places that are easiest for them to find food will be their most frequented spots. Peanut butter is very aromatic and will send an enticing scent much farther than most food. Spread it wherever you hope to lure the squirrel.

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      Spread a generous amount of seed, corn and nuts. This won't initially attract squirrels, but the available food will make them stay. After you have attracted the little creatures, make sure to keep supplying them with food regularly or they will go and find it somewhere else.

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      Take a few days to build a routine for the animal with peanut butter and seed, if you are trying to trap it. This will make it feel comfortable with you and the procedure. After several days, place the seed and corn inside a live trap, which you can find at local hardware stores. The animal will be less hesitant to enter the trap as the situation is no longer threatening, and you can easily remove the animal in the cage.