How Do Squirrels Catch Their Food?

Squirrels are one of the most commonly seen wild animals all over the world. They come in many different species and each has its own favorite diet. Many gardeners feel like they have to do battle with squirrels because the squirrels seem to think that the garden is a buffet for them.
  1. Natural Diet

    • Squirrels are generally vegetarians, which means they eat fruits, vegetables and plants. Those squirrels that do not live in areas populated by humans will eat berries and fruits, vegetables, tree and flower buds, fungi, moss and other naturally occurring vegetation. Squirrels will also dine on seeds, nuts, corn, twigs, bark, leaves, roots, mushrooms and pine cones as they see fit. Squirrels generally eat what they find when exploring, and vegetation such as this is not difficult to catch because it can be picked off trees while climbing or running and exploring along the ground.

    Insects &Small Animals

    • While the squirrel is generally thought of as a vegetarian, this may not always hold true. All species of squirrels will raid the nests of birds when the adults are away, taking the eggs and scampering off with them. Squirrels will often pounce on small baby birds and insects and enjoy them for a meal. While this is not the preference of most squirrels, when their typical vegetarian diet is not available, they will eat these animals and insects. The flying squirrel is the exception to this rule, as it is known to eat small animals and insects, perfecting the sneaky robbing of bird nests.


    • Squirrels love gardens. They get their food from gardens typically by waiting for all other animals and people to be out of sight and then they go in, explore and pick the fruit and vegetables that they would like to eat. Many times they take more than they can eat and they bury the food for later. This allows for them to always have access to stores of food that they will later sniff out with their keen sense of smell.

    Bird Feeders

    • Bird watchers often complain about the sneaky ways of squirrels. Squirrels will easily climb up a tree, down a branch, and then sit on the feeder, shaking it if necessary, to access the seed held within. They are often intimidating enough to the bird that they will freely feed from the bird feeder any time.


    • Squirrels are not picky about what they eat. Squirrels that live in areas that are populated by humans often feast upon whatever humans leave behind. Any type of food items are free reign, with fruits, vegetables and nuts being preferred, but snack foods, fast foods and anything else left behind is usually worth exploring.