How to Build a Squirrel Cage for a Red Fox Squirrel

Red fox squirrels are tree squirrels that require a tall cage for a habitat. A recommended size is 4 feet by 6 feet by 6 feet tall to give the squirrels room to climb and play as in a natural setting. The addition of branches, shelves and a nesting box in a squirrel cage will help mimic a woodland environment.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Pre-made bottom pan, 4 by 6 feet
  • 1/2 inch square hardware cloth, 36 inches tall
  • Wire cutters
  • Cage clips
  • Drill
  • Wire coat hanger
  • Spring cage closure
  • Metal file
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    • 1

      Measure the inside of the pre-made pan and cut hardware cloth with wire cutters to fit each of the four sides. The measurements will be slightly smaller than the 4-foot by 6-foot exterior size. Cut two pieces for each side to use for the sides and obtain a 6-foot height by stacking with double-tall sides.

    • 2

      Place four of the sides inside of the metal base pan. Connect them together using cage clips and cage clip pliers on the corners where the sides meet. Spacing the clips 3 inches apart on each corner will provide stability. Attach each of the additional four sides one at a time on top of the bottom four sides with cage clips.

    • 3

      Drill a hole in the center of the base pan on each side of the cage to attach the base to the sides. Cut a metal coat hanger, insert through the drilled hole and twist with pliers on the outside of the cage. Turn the twisted ends toward the cage so that they will not scratch people near the cage but do not insert the ends into the cage for the red squirrel's safety.

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      Cut a 1-foot square piece out of the front of the cage for a door. Attach the door back to the area where it was cut from using cage clips but not tightening completely to form hinges for the door. Making three hinges spaced evenly at the top, bottom and middle will support the weight of the door so when it is open it will hang level. Attach a spring cage closure to the center of the door on the opposite side of the hinges. Pull the spring tightly and hook through the hardware cloth to hold the door closed.

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      Drill holes through limbs and attach in the cage with wire coat hangers to install them permanently. Cut shelves from hardware cloth with wire cutters and place in corners. Attach shelves with coat hangers to at least two sides of the cage in a corner for stability. Measure the top opening of the cage and cut hardware cloth to fit. Attach to the top of the sides with cage clips (3 inches apart) and cage pliers.