How to Raise Western Gray Tree Squirrels

Western gray tree squirrels are easy to raise in captivity. They bond quickly with their owners and are quite affectionate. You can even train a gray tree squirrel to come when you call its name. Due to human encroachment on the western gray squirrel's natural habitat, these squirrels are often seen in populated areas. Some people raise western gray tree squirrels after the mother dies or when the babies become otherwise separated from their mother. The most important parts of raising western gray tree squirrels are providing them with adequate nutrition, the right living environment and plenty of exercise.

Things You'll Need

  • Western gray tree squirrel
  • Wire mesh cage, 3 cubic feet or larger
  • Removable bottom pan
  • Leaves, grass, twigs and bark
  • Small wooden or cardboard "nesting" box
  • Heavy water dish or water bottle
  • Hard bark or other chewing materials
  • 3 small branches
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Insects and mealworms
  • Calcium supplement for small animals
  • Mild dish soap
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      Set up a wire mesh cage with a removable bottom pan that is at least 3 cubic feet per squirrel. Line the bottom of the cage with leaves, grass, twigs and bark to simulate the squirrel's natural woodland environment.

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      Attach a small wooden or cardboard box to the outside of the cage and make an opening for the squirrel to get into the box from the cage. This will serve as a nesting box for the squirrel.

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      Place a heavy water dish or a water bottle into the cage. Add some hard bark or other chewing materials for the squirrel. Place two or three small branches in the cage for your squirrel to climb on.

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      Feed your squirrel a diet that provides a variety of foods and nutritional elements. Feed your squirrel a mixture of fresh vegetables and fruits, insects and mealworms, and a calcium supplement for small animals sold at most pet stores.

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      Wash the squirrel's water and food dishes with a mild dish soap and hot water every day. Wash the cage at least once every week. Because squirrels are extremely clean rodents, you need to keep their habitat clean as well.