Baby Squirrel Food Ingredients

In storm-prone areas, many people come in contact with baby squirrels that do not know how to fend for themselves. In these situations, people can often handle and feed the baby squirrel until it is ready to live in the trees on its own. To do this though, one needs to have the right ingredients for squirrel food, as ensuring proper nutrition is as important as proper handling. Baby squirrel food is not complicated, and if you have access to a pet store or even a grocery store, you̵7;ll find everything you need.
  1. Puppy Replacement Milk

    • For very young squirrels, start feeding them puppy replacement milk, which is available at local pet stores. If you cannot get to the store, mix two tablespoons of whole mix with one drop of Karo syrup, but this should only be done until you can get the puppy replacement milk. Some have found that scalded cow's milk can be substituted for the puppy replacement milk.

      Feed the replacement milk to the squirrel every three to four hours. A good indication that your baby squirrel still needs this type of food is if it does not have teeth, the ears are rolled up or the eyes are not opening wide. When your baby squirrel has teeth and is no longer interested in the replacement milk, it̵7;s time to move on.

    Baby Squirrel Food Puree

    • If your baby squirrel is moving on from the replacement milk, it̵7;s not time to start whole food quite yet. Instead, combine 1 cup of pecans or walnuts, 2 ounces of Dutch apple dessert baby food, ½ cup rice baby cereal and four scoops of dog food. Add a little water, and blend until it is the same consistency as yogurt. Allow the baby squirrel to feed on this mixture every three to four hours.

    Fruits and Vegetables

    • At six to eight weeks old, squirrels will begin to prefer whole food. You can offer nuts, but these should be unsalted. Introduce fruit, as well, for a balanced diet. Some of the fruits and vegetables that are recommended are apples, melon, cucumber, grapes, cherries, pine nuts, strawberries, spinach and blueberries. Start slowly, and you̵7;ll find that there are some fruits the squirrel will love and others it will not want to take a second bite of.