How to Breed Pet Squirrels

A squirrel is one of the many medium sized rodents belonging to the Sciuridae family. There are many different types including the fox squirrel, Western and Eastern gray squirrel, Douglas squirrel, American red and the black squirrel. Squirrels eat foods that are rich in protein, fat and carbohydrates. Their diets consist of nuts, tree buds, seeds, fruits, insects, fungi and a variety of plant food.


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      Purchase or build a large habitat, preferably outdoors, for your squirrels. Something around 20 by 15 feet is sufficient. For indoor pet squirrels, purchase a smaller cage.

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      Provide your squirrels with a natural environment by incorporating trees and plants into their new home. Construct a squirrel house or purchase one to allow a place for shelter. This is important so it can get out of the rain or cold elements.

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      Keep a total of three to five squirrels in the outdoor cage. They are very social animals so you will want to have a few but do not overpopulate their environment.

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      Supply food and water bowls made of glass, ceramic, or stainless steel. The squirrels will chew through anything plastic.

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      Know that some squirrels have one breeding season while other types of squirrels have two. Find out when their breeding seasons are and what size nest they like along with the type of materials used in constructing their breeding nest.

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      Allow time and let nature take its course. A squirrel's gestation period varies depending on the species. Gestation in smaller species is 33 days and about 60 days in the larger species.