What are facts about the British red squirrel?

Scientific name: _Sciurus vulgaris_

Lifespan: 4 to 10 years

Size: 2½ inches high and 17 inches long including the tail

Weight: 10 ounces

Gestation period: 39 to 42 days

Litter size: 3 to 4 kits per litter, twice per year

Diet: Nuts, seeds, buds, tree sap, mushrooms, and insects

Habitat: Woodlands and forests

Conservation status: Near Threatened

-- Appearance:

> - Reddish-brown fur

> - White belly

> - Bushy tail

> - Large, dark eyes

> - Sharp claws for climbing trees

-- Behavior:

> - Active during the day

> - Solitary for the most part, except during breeding season

> - Highly territorial; fights with other squirrels to protect its territory

> - Builds nests out of twigs and leaves in trees

> - Very vocal; makes a variety of sounds to communicate with other squirrels

> - Very agile climbers; can jump from tree to tree with ease

> - Stores food for the winter in caches hidden in trees

-- Threats:

> - Habitat loss

> - Competition with non-native grey squirrels

> - Hunting

> - Disease

> - Climate change

-- Red squirrels are an important part of the ecosystem:

> - They help disperse tree seeds

> - They aerate the soil

> - They control insect populations

> - They are prey for other animals, such as hawks and owls

-- Red squirrels are a threatened species:

> - Their numbers have declined significantly due to habitat loss and competition with grey squirrels

> - Conservation efforts are underway to protect red squirrels