You had a squirrel build nest then now see babies that look like rats tail is not bushy are these squirrels or have taken over in 2 weeks?

Nest and Behavior:

_Squirrels_ tend to build elaborate nests made of leaves, twigs, and other plant materials. These nests are typically located in trees or other elevated areas to provide protection from predators and the elements. On the other hand, _rats_ usually construct their nests on the ground or in burrows, using various materials such as scraps, debris, and insulation.

Tail Characteristics:

_Squirrels_ typically have bushy tails that help them with balance and agility when climbing and jumping through trees. _Rats_ usually have long, slender, and hairless tails that they use for balance and movement.

Appearance of Babies:

_Squirrel babies_, known as kittens or pups, are born hairless and with closed eyes. They gradually develop fur and open their eyes within a few weeks. As they grow older, they start resembling their adult counterparts with bushy tails and agile movements.

_Baby rats_ are also born hairless and with closed eyes. They develop fur and open their eyes within a couple of weeks, resembling adult rats with long, slender tails and smaller bodies compared to squirrels.

Timeline of Nest Occupation:

If you observed a _squirrel_ building a nest and later spotted babies with non-bushy tails within two weeks, it's unlikely that these babies are squirrels. Squirrels typically take longer than two weeks to give birth, raise their young, and for the babies to develop bushy tails.

Therefore, it's more likely that _rats_ have taken over the nest during this time frame, and you may have spotted _baby rats_ instead of _baby squirrels_.