How to Keep a Chili Rose Spider

The Chilean Rose Spider, one of the most popular species of tarantula for keeping as a pet, is also one of the most problematic for inexperienced owners. New owners of tarantulas may like the fact that they are inexpensive and easy to get at a pet shop but may become frustrated when the spider refuses food or becomes injured after falling from climbing up the cage. Caring for a Chilean Rose tarantula is, in reality, not difficult if you have the right expectations and proper knowledge of its habits.

Things You'll Need

  • 5- to 10-gallon tank
  • Thermometer
  • Barometer
  • Peat moss or potting soil
  • Cork bark or log (optional)
  • Crickets or large bugs
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      Get a relatively shallow tank that is between five and 10 gallons. A shallow tank reduces the risk of injury to the tarantula from falls when it climbs up the sides. Avoid using screen-topped aquariums, as the spider's feet can get caught in the screen.

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      Add two or three inches of peat moss or potting soil to the tank as substrate.

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      Put the tank in a location where the temperature is between 70 and 85 degrees F. Monitor the temperature in the tank with a thermometer, and move the location to warmer or cooler locations in your house if need be. Keep the humidity in the tank between 75 and 80 percent. Use a barometer to monitor humidity. To increase humidity, add water to the substrate or to a water dish.

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      Add a log or cork bark to the tank if you want, although it is not necessary.

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      Feed the tarantula crickets or other large insects. You may be able to feed a particularly large tarantula a pinkie mouse on occasion. Offer food every couple of weeks, and remove the food if the tarantula refuses it. Chilean Rose tarantulas can go months without eating, so don't worry if it hasn't eaten in weeks. Tarantulas may also refuse food just before molting. Be especially diligent about the humidity level if the spider is not eating. Adding water to the substrate and water dish will keep your pet hydrated.