The red-kneed tarantula is probably the most popular spider kept as a pet. It's known for its docile temperament and ease of care. Their popularity soared in the 1970s and has remained steady. Recently it has become increasingly difficult to find due to import regulations and captive breeding difficulties. This species is native to Mexico and Central American deserts. In captivity, females live between 20 and 25 years; males live seven to eight years.
Curly-hair Tarantula
The curly-hair tarantula is covered in long curly hair. This tarantula is covered in longer than usual bristly hair that stands up and away from its body. The curly-hair tarantula is a burrowing species native to the Central American rain forests. It is a large docile species commonly kept as a pet. Females typically live approximately 12 years.
Greenbottle Blue
Quite possibly one of the most striking tarantulas represented in the pet trade, the greenbottle blue tarantula has bright blue legs and a pumpkin-orange abdomen. This is a reasonably easy-care tarantula and requires a relatively dry environment. Its natural habitat is the dry areas of Venezuela. The female of this species will live to be 12 years or older, while the males typically only live two to four years. Although this is considered a good tarantula for a beginner, they are skittish and should not be handled but only observed.
The striped-knee tarantula can secrete silk from its feet. The striped-knee tarantula is also known as the zebra-knee. This is a nonaggressive species native to Central America. Interestingly, this spider has the ability to secrete silk from its feet, enabling it to walk on slippery surfaces. Females of this species live between 15 and 20 years with males only living three to five years.
While tarantula venom is not typically considered life-threatening, they are considered a venomous species and should be handled with care. Often a bite will result in a reaction similar to a bee sting and is not life threatening unless there is an allergic reaction involved. Because of this and the fact that tarantulas are soft-bodied spiders and can be injured easily, tarantulas are considered terrarium pets to be observed, similar to fish in a fish tank. Direct contact and interaction should be limited.
Tarantula Species for Beginners
The fear of spiders, or Arachnophobia, makes the top-10 list of phobias in the United States. In actuality, the majority of spiders are purely beneficial to the environment. They control the population of flying insects that damage and destroy crops and gardens. Some people even prefer to keep spiders as pets. The most commonly kept spider is the tarantula.