How to Know if a Pet Tarantula is Sick

Tarantulas are generally very healthy pets if they are kept in the right environment. Before buying a tarantula, read up on what environment should be provided for your particular type of tarantula. It is important, though, to know when your pet tarantula may be ill and to seek appropriate help.


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      Research the molting process and know what generally takes place. A molting tarantula will lie on its back and not eat. Make sure not to touch your tarantula during a molt.

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      Pay close attention to changes in your tarantula's activity levels, appearance or food intake. Significant changes in these areas warrant a closer look for possible illnesses. Some possible illness signs are similar to what happens during molting so it's important to be knowledgeable about that process.

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      Observe how your pet tarantula is walking. Healthy ones will walk on the tips of their toes like ballerinas. Walking down at the heel on a flat foot is a sign of trouble. Another sign of potential illnesses or stress is pacing the enclosure.

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      Watch for bleeding or other unusual secretions. This can indicate an injury or other problem.

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      Look for changes in your spider's abdomen. A small, wrinkly abdomen is a sign of dehydration.