Powerful Jaws: Arapaimas have a large and powerful jaw equipped with sharp, conical teeth. These teeth are designed for grasping and holding onto prey, preventing them from escaping.
Lunging Behavior: Arapaimas often employ a rapid lunging motion to surprise and capture their prey. They have a streamlined body and strong muscles that allow them to move quickly through the water, making it difficult for their intended meal to evade their attack.
Ambush Hunting: Arapaimas may use the element of surprise to their advantage by hiding among submerged vegetation or along riverbanks, waiting for unsuspecting prey to come within reach. Once a suitable prey is within range, they launch their swift attack.
Gill Raking: Arapaimas have specialized gill rakers that enable them to filter-feed on small organisms and debris. These gill rakers can also entangle prey, helping to secure and consume smaller organisms that are found in the water column.
Collaborative Hunting: In some instances, arapaimas have been observed working together in groups to capture larger prey. They may surround a school of fish or other suitable prey and collectively attack, making it more difficult for their target to escape.
It's important to note that while these strategies contribute to the arapaima's success in capturing prey, this fish species generally targets smaller fish and invertebrates rather than hunting large mammals or birds on a regular basis.