1. African Rhino Species:
* White Rhino:
- Primarily grazers, feeding on short grasses in the savannah and grasslands.
- They also eat leaves, buds, and shoots from shrubs and trees.
* Black Rhino:
- Primarily browsers, feeding on leaves, twigs, and shoots from shrubs and trees.
- They may occasionally graze on grasses when necessary.
* Greater One-Horned Rhino:
- Found in Nepal, India, and Bhutan.
- Feeds on grasses, leaves, and shoots from shrubs and trees.
- Known to consume fruits, including apples, bananas, and melons.
2. Asian Rhino Species:
* Sumatran Rhino:
- Feeds on leaves, twigs, and shoots from shrubs and small trees.
- Also known to eat fruits and bark when necessary.
* Javan Rhino:
- Found in Indonesia.
- Feeds on leaves, twigs, shoots, and fruits from shrubs and trees.
* Bornean Rhino:
- Found in Borneo, Indonesia and Malaysia.
- Similar diet to Javan rhino, feeding on leaves, twigs, shoots, and fruits.
Rhinoceroses use their strong jaws and broad tongues to tear and grasp vegetation. They are herbivores and play an important role in shaping their ecosystems by selectively browsing and grazing on plants, influencing plant diversity and growth patterns.