What to do about a smell like rotten eggs coming from the toilet?

1. Check the toilet for clogs. A clogged toilet can cause sewage to back up and create a rotten egg smell. Use a plunger or drain snake to clear the clog.

2. Clean the toilet bowl. A dirty toilet bowl can also cause a rotten egg smell. Use a toilet brush and cleaner to scrub the bowl, paying special attention to the areas under the rim and behind the seat.

3. Inspect the wax ring. The wax ring is a seal between the toilet and the floor. If the wax ring is damaged, it can allow sewer gas to escape and create a rotten egg smell. Inspect the wax ring for cracks or tears, and replace it if necessary.

4. Check the vent pipe. The vent pipe is a pipe that allows sewer gas to escape from the toilet. If the vent pipe is blocked, it can cause sewer gas to build up and create a rotten egg smell. Inspect the vent pipe for obstructions, such as leaves or debris, and remove any obstructions.

5. Use a commercial deodorizer. If the rotten egg smell persists, you can try using a commercial deodorizer. Deodorizers can be used to temporarily mask the smell or to kill the bacteria that are causing the smell.

6. If the smell persists, contact a plumber. If you have tried the above steps and the smell is still there, it may be caused by a more serious plumbing problem. Contact a plumber for further diagnosis and repair.