* Turtles are very distantly related to humans. Turtles belong to the group *Reptilia*, which diverged from the lineage leading to mammals (which includes humans) very early in evolutionary history. Think of it like this: turtles and humans share a common ancestor, but that ancestor lived hundreds of millions of years ago.
* Tuna are even more distantly related to humans than turtles. Tuna are fish, belonging to the group *Osteichthyes*. Fish diverged from the line leading to land vertebrates (including humans) even further back in time than turtles.
* Chimpanzees are our closest living relatives. Humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor that lived only a few million years ago. We are so closely related that we share over 98% of our DNA.
In summary:
* Closest: Humans and chimpanzees.
* More distant: Humans and turtles.
* Most distant: Humans and tuna.
Important Note: Evolutionary relationships are complex and can be depicted with a "tree of life" that shows how different species are related. The relationships above are simplified for clarity.