Can neon fish live with turtles?

It's not recommended to keep neon tetras (fish) with turtles. Here's why:

* Predatory nature: Turtles are carnivores or omnivores and often see small fish like neon tetras as food. Even if the turtle seems friendly, it might eventually instinctually hunt and eat the fish.

* Different water parameters: Neon tetras prefer soft, acidic water, while many turtles prefer harder, more alkaline water. Maintaining suitable conditions for both can be difficult.

* Stress: The presence of a turtle can stress neon tetras, leading to health issues.

If you're looking for compatible tank mates for neon tetras, consider:

* Other peaceful, small fish: Corydoras catfish, ghost shrimp, snails

* Plants: Provide hiding places and help with water quality.

Remember to research the specific needs of each species before introducing them to your aquarium.