What are pink dolphins?

"Pink dolphins" usually refers to the Amazon River dolphin, also known as the Boto. Here's why:

* Color: While not always pink, these dolphins can range in color from grey to pink, with some individuals being almost completely pink. The pink hue comes from the blood vessels beneath their skin.

* Location: They are found exclusively in the Amazon River and its tributaries in South America.

* Unique Features: They have a long, slender beak and small, triangular dorsal fin. They are also known for their highly flexible necks which allow them to turn their heads almost completely around.

Important Note: While "pink dolphins" is the common name, it can be misleading. Their color varies, and other dolphin species, like the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, can also appear pink due to albinism or other genetic factors.

Here's some additional information about the Amazon River dolphin:

* Social Animals: They are very social animals and live in pods of up to 15 individuals.

* Diet: They feed primarily on fish but also eat crabs, shrimp, and even small caimans.

* Endangered Status: They are considered endangered due to habitat loss, pollution, and hunting.

If you're interested in learning more about these fascinating creatures, you can search for information about the Amazon River dolphin or the Boto.