Where do pink dolphins seek shelter?

Pink dolphins, also known as Amazon river dolphins, seek shelter in various ways depending on the situation:

1. Riverbanks and Vegetation:

- They often use riverbanks with dense vegetation, such as mangrove swamps and floodplains, for shelter.

- The dense vegetation provides cover from predators and allows them to rest undisturbed.

2. Flooded Forests:

- Pink dolphins are known to frequent flooded forests, using the intricate network of channels and tree roots as a refuge.

- This environment offers protection from predators and provides access to prey.

3. Deeper Water:

- During periods of high water or when threatened, they can retreat to deeper sections of the river.

- This allows them to escape predators and avoid dangerous conditions.

4. Underwater Caves and Overhangs:

- In some areas, they may utilize underwater caves or overhangs for shelter.

- These provide a secluded and safe space to rest or hide from threats.

5. Social Groups:

- They are often seen in social groups of up to 15 individuals, which can provide an extra layer of safety and protection from predators.

It's important to remember that pink dolphins are highly sensitive to human activities and disturbances. Their habitat is increasingly threatened by pollution, deforestation, and dam construction.

Therefore, it's crucial to protect their natural shelters and ensure their continued survival.