What Can You Feed a Red-Footed Tortoise?

The red-footed tortoise is a medium-sized species of tortoise native to Central and South America. Found in both grasslands and humid forest climates, this species is fairly adaptable making it a favored species to own by exotic pet collectors. When owning a red-footed tortoise as a pet, it is essential to provide your tortoise not only with adequate temperature and space but also with a well-balanced diet. Red-footed tortoises are primarily herbivores.
  1. High-Calcium Greens

    • A large part of your tortoise's diet should consist of high-calcium greens. High-calcium greens include dandelions, collards and mustard. Greens that are high in calcium will prevent your tortoise's shell from softening.

    Variety Greens

    • Variety greens contain lower levels of calcium but are rich in other vitamins and nutrients to keep your red-footed tortoise healthy. These greens should be mixed in with high-calcium greens. Lettuce, kale, chicory, escarole and watercress are several examples of variety greens you can mix in with high-calcium greens to feed your tortoise. Avoid feeding your red-footed tortoise spinach. According to "The Red-Footed Tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria), a South American Treasure " by Petra Spiess, spinach contains oxalates that make it difficult for the tortoise's body to absorb calcium efficiently.


    • Fruit can be added to your tortoise's diet to provide sweetness as well as essential vitamins and nutrients. Some fruits that are recommended for feeding to red-footed tortoises include papaya, mango, cactus fruit, kiwi, apple and melon.


    • Raw and frozen vegetables are also suitable for your tortoise to eat. Squash, pumpkin, grated carrot and zucchini are recommended vegetables. It is advised that vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts are fed sparingly as they contain iodine binders than can cause a variety of nutritional deficiencies in tortoises.


    • Edible flowers are acceptable for feeding to your red-footed tortoise, though it is essential to research any type of flower to make sure it is not poisonous before mixing it in with your tortoise's food. Hibiscus, dandelion flowers and prickly-pear flowers are several types that are suitable.


    • Though red-footed tortoises are primarily herbivores, they do require protein occasionally. Suitable sources of protein to feed to your tortoise include canned dog food, crickets or pinky mice. Protein should only be fed to your tortoise every other feeding.