How to Care for Small Tortoises

Small tortoises are great pets for children and families. There are many different species from which to choose, each needing slightly different food, water and shelter requirements. Once these are met, tortoises are easy to take care of and can live for a long time.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium or plastic container
  • Full spectrum lighting
  • Ceramic heat emitters
  • Bedding
  • Small water dish
  • Hiding box
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      Build a proper shelter. Many people use glass aquariums for smaller tortoises. These work well, but tortoises often will bang against the glass trying to reach the areas they can see through the glass. Taping paper to the bottom of the aquariums will fix this problem. A better solution is using large plastic sweater boxes or other large plastic containers. They do not have clear glass that tortoises will try and walk through. Also, the larger they are the better because it gives tortoises more room to exercise, explore and be happy. Sidewalls do not need to be very high because smaller tortoises will not climb them very easily.

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      Pick the right bedding and heating options. Different species of tortoises will require different things. For example, desert species need shelter that is dry and warm, while tropical species need a moist and warm shelter. Full spectrum lighting and ceramic heat emitters and reflectors will provide the right amount of heat for tortoises. For tortoises that require a lot of humidity, pick bedding that stays moist easily to keep humidity levels high. Coconut coir, spaghnum moss, and peat moss are good examples of this type of bedding. Dry hay, dry coconut coir, grass clippings or shredded paper are good bedding options for tortoises that need a dry shelter. Bedding and heating options are available online and at pet stores.

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      Create a fun experience for small tortoises. While rocks, furniture and other decorations are not necessary for tortoises to survive, they do help provide tortoises with a better lifestyle. Tortoises that have plenty of room and obstacles to play with do not try to escape as much. Do not use fake plants since tortoises will often try to eat them. Also make sure rocks are not in a position that can fall and crush small tortoises. Provide boxes to give tortoises a place to hide and escape comfortably.

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      Provide proper water and food sources. Water is particularly important to tortoises. Shallow water dishes that tortoises can soak in are important. Deep dishes provide a drowning hazard for smaller tortoises and are difficult for young tortoises to drink from. Baby tortoises need to soak in warm water at least twice a week, maybe more if it is a tropical species. The diet of small tortoises is going to depend on the species. Talk to breeders, pet store owners and other people that can help to determine the correct diet.