How to Take Care of a Tortoise Turtle

Although often confused for one another, turtles and tortoises are not the same. Turtles spend the majority of their life in swimming in water, while tortoises are warm-loving land-dwellers. They are both scaled, ecothermic egg-layers who are close relatives , sharing the same taxonomy, and are popular choices for unusual, long-lived pets. Keeping in mind their tremendous differences in lifestyle, general care guidelines to keep both pet turtles and tortoises happy and healthy is relatively similar.


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      Provide both tortoises and turtles with large, protected enclosures in which to roam, but turtles will also need a few large wet areas (water filled bins do well) for them to swim and play in. Both tortoises and turtles can climb surprisingly well, so ensure the enclosure's perimeter is high.

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      Ensure that there are some flat areas that get sunlight, as both tortoises and turtles enjoy basking in the sun (tortoises more than turtles).

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      Give both tortoises and turtles some enclosures where they can rest and get protection from the sun or other weather. Piled rocks work well, as they also file down their nails, but commercial enclosures are acceptable.

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      Protect both tortoises and turtles from extremes in temperature (hot and cold) as well as temperatures that change quickly. Both are prone to diseases and respiratory problems stemming from extreme weather.

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      Feed tortoises and turtles a variety of foods. Tortoises enjoy variety of green leafy plants and flowers, while turtles enjoy fruits, vegetables worms and insects. Both get bored quickly if fed the same diet over and over.