How Can I Tell My Turtle's Gender?

Finding out the gender of your turtle can be a bit more difficult than you would expect. Different turtle species have distinct markings and characteristics that give away their gender. Some are trickier to identify than others. By trying a few methods you will be able to more accurately hypothesize the gender of your turtle.


  1. Instructions

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      Look at the turtle's tail. Turtles have a small hole on their tail called a cloaca. In males, the cloaca will be farther away from the shell and closer to the tip of the tail. Also, male turtles have thicker and longer tails.

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      Examine your turtle's underbelly. A female is more likely to have a bottom shell that is convex -- this allows for egg storage. If your turtle's bottom shell is concave, it is probably a male.

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      Look at the front claws of your turtle. Males and females will have the same length claws in their hind legs, but males will have longer front claws because they use them to grip the female while mating.

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      Use species-specific clues to determine the gender. For example, male American box turtles almost always have orange or red irises while the females have brown.

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      Consult a veterinarian if you're not satisfied with your findings.