How to Tell the Top of a Turtle Egg

Turtles breed in urban environments and may lay eggs in your yard. Leave the eggs untouched if they are in a safe location. If a turtle lays eggs in an unsuitable location, such as a driveway, you can move them carefully. It is important to be able to tell which side of the turtle egg is the top. The fetal turtles attach themselves to the top of the egg. If the egg is turned around, the young turtle will not hatch. Excessive handling will break the flimsy attachment to the shell and the young turtle will die.

Things You'll Need

  • Marker
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    • 1

      Gently move the earth from around the eggs.

    • 2

      Mark the top of the egg -- the side facing you -- with a marker before you move the eggs. This is the only way to tell which side of the turtle egg is the top.

    • 3

      Move the eggs to a safe location and place them in the same position that they were in.