How to Separate Turtles

Turtles possess long powerful front claws and a mouth which ends in a horny beak. These reptiles are territorial and dominate each other in the confines of an aquarium or small pond. Male turtles often harass females during breeding season and large specimens are easily capable of injuring smaller individuals. Competition for food and basking sites can result in bites to the face, limbs and tail of the less dominant animal. Turtles will need to be separated if such bullying behavior continues and if one or more of the animals becomes injured.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquatic plants
  • Bark
  • Logs
  • Smooth river stones
  • Egg crate
  • Sharp wire cutters
  • Additional aquarium or pond (optional)
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    • 1

      Add visual barriers, such as aquatic plants, large pieces of bark, logs or rocks to both the land area and swimming area in the turtles' habitat. If the aggression is not severe, these barriers will allow turtles to position themselves out of view of dominant or aggressive tank mates.

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      Cut a piece of egg crate with sharp wire cutters, to fit the shape of the water container and use this piece to divide the swimming area into two sections. This physical barrier will prevent the turtles from having contact when in the water. The egg crate will allow water to flow from one side of the division to the other, so the water temperature and all other water parameters will be identical in both sections.

    • 3

      Place a single large log across the land area, to create two separate living areas. You can use large stones to create this physical barrier, as well. Both the log and rocks look natural, but egg crate can also be used to divide the turtles' land living area, although it does not look as natural.

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      Remove one of the animals to a completely different aquarium or pond, if the visual or physical barriers do not work. The visual barrier is a subtle attempt to remove a subordinate animal from the constant view of a dominant turtle and its success is dependent on the temperament of the individual animals. Certain turtles may attempt to get over physical barriers, such as logs or rocks.

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      Make the decision to donate one or more animals to a petting zoo or give them to fellow enthusiasts, if you do not have the space or equipment to set up a second aquarium or pond.