Signs of My Slider Turtle Having Eggs

Whether you're trying to breed your turtles or have recently mixed a male and female pet, you might be wondering if your slider turtle is carrying eggs. The animal will typically gestate for two months before laying a clutch of about 20 eggs. Before then, you can watch for a few signs that it is gravid, including changes in its habits and lumps toward its backside.
  1. Lumps

    • Carefully pick up your pet turtle and gently place your finger on the soft spot between its shell and the front of the rear leg. If you feel several lumps, your turtle is gravid, meaning it's carrying eggs. Be very gentle when handling the turtle, especially around its eggs. Poking too hard can hurt the animal or even harm the eggs inside of it.


    • A female slider turtle will begin showing signs of restlessness and agitation when she is carrying eggs. This will include attempts to escape the tank by pushing on the lid or trying to climb out. The turtle might also dig with its hind legs wherever it can. Some pet aquariums aren't set up for proper turtle nesting, so the animal might get frustrating with its current surroundings and try to find a more suitable one to build a nest. Create a nest area by providing a dry dirt patch with easy access for the turtle. Ensure it's free of obstructions including roots, sticks and stone.


    • If a female slider turtle lays one or two eggs in the water, it is most likely a sign that it is carrying many more. A healthy slider turtle can carry a clutch of up to 20 eggs at a time. If it releases a few, it's usually a sign that the animal needs a proper nest to lay the rest of the eggs on. At this point, it's important to provide the turtle with a nesting area so it won't suffer from egg binding, egg retention or dystocia -- all conditions that could kill it.


    • Watch for changes in a female turtle's eating habits to see if it's carrying eggs. Like pregnant humans, sliders with eggs might become picky eaters or refuse to eat all together. This is normal for the animal, so don't become alarmed. Instead, continue offering the turtle food, including new variations of food you haven't given it in the past.

    About Turtle Reproduction

    • A sexually mature female slider turtle, usually around 5 years old, does not need a male to lay eggs. It can become gravid with unfertilized eggs, similarly to a chicken. If a male is present, a female turtle can be impregnated and carry fertilized eggs; however, even if a fertilization by the male was unsuccessful, the female might still become gravid.