What Type of Water Do Red-Eared Sliders Live in?

Red-eared sliders are a common household pet. This small aquatic turtle lives up to 70 years and is found naturally in the United States. The red-eared slider can be happy and healthy as a household pet, so long as it has a clean environment and ready access to warmth, water and food. Water must be kept at an appropriate temperature, and the turtle requires surface access to sunlight or a heat lamp.
  1. Type of Water

    • The red-eared slider prefers slow-moving bodies of water, such as marshes and ponds, according to Animal Planet. They can live in freshwater, and as pets, these turtles can thrive in tap water.


    • According to Animal Planet, the ideal water temperature is between 75 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Caretakers should not use warm or hot tap water when filling an aquarium. Rather, they should fill the aquarium with cold tap water and add the turtle to the environment only when the temperature reaches the required range with the aid of time and a heat source.


    • Red-eared turtles live in their water, and as such it can become dirty. As a caretaker, you should regularly remove the water, clean the tank or aquarium and refill the water. Check that the water is at an appropriate temperature before returning the turtle to the aquarium.

    Maintaining Healthy Water

    • Water filtration systems specifically designed for pets can help to keep the water clean and therefore cut down how often it requires changing. Adding aquatic plants to the environment naturally cleans the water. Caretakers should check the pH balance of their water. Pet supply stores sell kits which test chemical levels and can help in determining whether or not additives should be added to the aquarium.